Welcome all!! As part of my educational rounds project I am required to present my findings concerning film use in a Senior History classroom. I've decided to scrap the ordinary route of presenting through a slideshow, pamphlet or report. I have decided to post my project in a blog where I will be able to share the various film links and websites I have discovered during my research. Enjoy!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Television Series - War on Film - Band of Brothers

The series Band of Brothers is largely based on interviews with veterans. The series follows Easy Company of the United States Army Airbourne Paratrooper division during the Second World War. Each episode begins with clips of the interviews followed by a fairly realistic reenactment of the events.

Interviews with those who have lived it.

This is a great example of a powerful short clip that can be shown in the classroom. It is straight to the point, contains historical fact and provokes emotion towards the subject.
The following video is a selection from an interview with twin girls (now grown women) who have survived the Holocaust. The twins were six years old when they were brought to Auschwitz with their mother in 1944. The two girls were subject to Nazi experiments. Both lived to tell their story.

More information about the women can be found at: http://www1.yadvashem.org/yv/en/remembrance/2009/torchlighters_barnea_and_huber.asp (please copy & paste the link into your browser)

Finding History in a Music Video

Canadian artists sometimes include hometown images in their videos. This video includes the historic Port Arthur in Thunder Bay, Ontario. The lyrics include a lot of information about Thunder Bay culture (references to Terry Fox, and the lumber industry). The video is classroom friendly (aside from the occasional alcoholic beverage present). We used this video in my second placement class and looked for historically significant buildings in the city. We also analysed the lyrics for local history references.