Welcome all!! As part of my educational rounds project I am required to present my findings concerning film use in a Senior History classroom. I've decided to scrap the ordinary route of presenting through a slideshow, pamphlet or report. I have decided to post my project in a blog where I will be able to share the various film links and websites I have discovered during my research. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Some Suggested Text Resources for Teacher Use

Hollywood and History: Costume Design in Film – Edward Maeder

Bio-pics: How Hollywood Constructed Public History – George F. Custen

History on Film/Film on History - R. A. Rosenstone

Image as Artifact: The Historical Analysis of Film and Television – John E. O’Connor

American History on the Screen: A Teacher’s Resource Book on Film and Video – Wendy S. Wilson

How Movies Work – Bruce Kawin

Anatomy of Film – Bernard F. Dick

Films Deliver: Teaching Creatively with Film – John M. Culkin & Anthony Schillaci

Historical Events on Film

There are many clips on various websites that can be used in the classroom. Historic newsreels, filmed speeches, and other sources from that time are valuable to a history classroom. This clip is an example of a filmed speech which documented a very important event for the Nazi party. It is one of Hitler's many charismatic speeches during his leadership. This is an excellent source to be critically viewed in the classroom, and will generate a large amount of discussion (especially around Hitler's claim to a superior race).