Welcome all!! As part of my educational rounds project I am required to present my findings concerning film use in a Senior History classroom. I've decided to scrap the ordinary route of presenting through a slideshow, pamphlet or report. I have decided to post my project in a blog where I will be able to share the various film links and websites I have discovered during my research. Enjoy!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Criteria to Consider when Using Film in the Classroom.

Based on my research I have compiled a list of criteria that I think is important when choosing a historical film to show in your classroom.
1.)    A film must recreate an event that is not equally described or experienced in text form.
2.)    A film must recreate an event or time period that cannot be experienced through a field trip or a skit.
3.)    The film should portray the culture and attitude of the time.
4.)    The film must allow for critical analysis of the subject.
5.)    The film must evoke emotion or some type of empathy.
6.)    The film must be appropriate for classroom use (language, sexual content, violence) depending on your age group you may want to avoid particular films.)
7.)     The film must contain at least one perspective of a particular group or person during a historical event.
8.)    The film must not negatively stereotype any particular group (unless your lesson is partially based on inaccurate stereotypes of particular groups in history).
9.)    The film should contain historical fact. (possibly the most obvious element)

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