Welcome all!! As part of my educational rounds project I am required to present my findings concerning film use in a Senior History classroom. I've decided to scrap the ordinary route of presenting through a slideshow, pamphlet or report. I have decided to post my project in a blog where I will be able to share the various film links and websites I have discovered during my research. Enjoy!

Friday, November 5, 2010

The Four Frameworks of Historical Inquiry in Films (Paris, 1997)

1.)    The Moving Image as a Representation of History
Films are useful for acquainting students with the time, place, and culture. Using film clips can introduce issues such as living conditions, social customs, and family relations of a particular time period.

2.)    The Moving Image as Evidence for Social and Cultural History
Popular culture often reflects the social and cultural environment of the time it was produced during more accurately then the subject the film. For example Buffy the Vampire Slayer contains thousands of popular culture references which accurately portray the culture of the 90s.

3.)    Actuality Footage as Evidence for Historical Fact
A filmed record can often be the most useful in a classroom. Students should still be aware of editing and filming as well as faked newsreel footage.

4.) The History of the Moving Image as Industry and Art Form
The history and development of modern culture is intertwined in growth of film. Individual films portray changes within the industry. Broader topics within the classroom include changes in distribution, financing, and technology within the industry.

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