Welcome all!! As part of my educational rounds project I am required to present my findings concerning film use in a Senior History classroom. I've decided to scrap the ordinary route of presenting through a slideshow, pamphlet or report. I have decided to post my project in a blog where I will be able to share the various film links and websites I have discovered during my research. Enjoy!

Friday, November 5, 2010

The Three Learning Functions of Hollywood Movies in the Classroom (Metzger, 2010)

1.)    Fact and Fiction
Most Hollywood movies are not meant to be scholarly works. Dramatic screenplays often embellish, trim, or ignore historical record. Films often focus on one character to keep the plot simple. The past is reinvented with imagined details such as superhuman feats to meet entertainment demands. Teachers must know what has been added or left out.

2.)    Constructing the Past and the People in it
There are often uncertainties about the past; film makers choose how to portray certain characters, and events the way they imagine it. Most movies depict only one version of what could have happened in the past. Teachers and students must be aware and look for authentic elements and uncertainties present in the film.

3.)    Reacting to the Past
History films can bring the past to life. Students are able to visualize a previous time that would otherwise be distant. A moral or lesson is often included in the film which is made for contemporary audiences. Many learners only react through the lens of the present.

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